Teste de Nível - Inglês

Este teste é composto por 40 questões de escolha múltipla, divididas por 4 níveis de dificuldade.
No final ser-lhe-á apresentado o resultado do nível de conhecimento com base no QECRL (Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas).
Bom teste!

A pontuação final obtida resulta de:

Cada resposta correta do nível 1 é multiplicada por 1 ponto; cada resposta correta do nível 2 é multiplicada por 2 pontos; cada resposta correta do nível 3 é multiplicado por 3 pontos; cada resposta correta do nível 4 é multiplicado por 4 pontos.
O número total de pontos, em 100, é traduzido para o nível correspondente de acordo com o QECRL.

O resultado procura enquandrar o seu nível de Inglês e não dispensa a complementariedade de um teste de diagnóstico oral, com um formador habilitado.
A classificação atribuída não é final nem vinculativa, não podendo ser utilizada como prova de qualificação linguística formal.

1. My mother was …. all day!

  in home

  a home

  in the home

  at home

2. Who´s book is this? - It is …



  to Laura.

  from Laura.

3. Where ….. ? - I am from Lisbon.

  are you from?

  do you come?

  from you?

  you go to?

4. What's your job? - ..... teacher.



  I'm a

  My job is

5. That is the restaurant … we had dinner last month.





6. Carol is in love with ...





7. Come on! It’s time ….

  to go.

  we go.

  to going.

  for going.

8. My name is Tom. What’s …

  is your name?

  name is you?

  your name?


9. Teresa usually ..... to work.



  does driving


10. What time is it? - It’s ten … seven





11. When you stay in a country for some time you get used to the people's ...... of life.





12. I ... outside my school when suddenly a police car arrived.


  was standing

  have stood

  am standing

13. What clothes should I pack for a trip to Boston? - Well, it depends ... the time of year that you go.





14. She is now taking a more positive ...... to her studies and should do well.





15. I’ve finished this soup but I’m still hungry. I ..... ordered something more filling.

  must have

  would have

  should have

  may have

16. Tango music always .... me of my trip to Argentina





17. I couldn’t ... up with the noise in the city, so we moved to the countryside.





18. Teresa .... working on this project for two days, so she hasn’t made much progress yet.

  is only

  has only been

  was only

  had only been

19. Don’t worry if I ... late tonight. I’m going to the gym after work.


  will be

  has been

  is being

20. Julia ... married since she was 20.



  has been

  is being

21. How long ..... in New York, then?

  are you living

  do you live

  have you been living

  have you been lived

22. I've got two sisters, and ..... live in the South of Portugal.

  both they

  both them

  both of them

  them two

23. By the age of 18,I ... not to go to university.

  had decided


  have decided

  was deciding

24. A local company has agreed to ...... the school team with football shirts.





25. I ... to be picking Tom up at school, but I’ve lost my car keys!

  am supposed

  am requested

  am intended

  am obliged

26. That old saucepan will come in ...... when we go camping.





27. Ben got the job because he .... a very good impression at his interview.





28. Anyone ...... after the start of the play is not allowed in until the interval.


  has arrived



29. With this lovely weather there ..... to be millions of people on the beach.


  are certain

  are certainly

  will certain

30. ..... I live in England, I actually don't enjoy English food much.

  Even though

  Every though


  As though

31. Are you sure we've never met? You ..... someone I used to know.

  remind me

  remember me

  remember to

  remind me of

32. John seemed to take ...... at my comments on his work.





33. The farmhouse was so isolated that they had to generate their own electricity ......





34. You're still at it, aren't you? You really ..... that essay by now.

  must have finished

  should have finished

  should finish

  would have to finish

35. This kind of music is very popular ..... young people at the moment.





36. The experiment ... testing people’s responses before and after drinking coffee.





37. People were amazed that the burglary took place in ... daylight.





38. The judge said that those prepared to...... in crime must be ready to suffer the consequences.





39. I prefer to buy CDs ... download music from my computer.

  in contrast to

  as opposed to

  rather than

  in comparison to

40. I didn't ...... driving home in the storm so I stayed overnight in a hotel.



